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Intellectual Property
Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs offers comprehensive legal service to individuals and companies of all sizes in the media, television, theater, music, film and publishing industries. Our legal team has extensive experience, including:
Contract drafting and negotiations
Copyright creation and enforcement
Trademark creation and enforcement
Formation of loan out companies
Rights litigation
Partnership disputes
Transaction agreements
Licensing negotiations and contracts
Copyright termination agreements
Post-production distribution contracts
Entertainment and intellectual property litigation is a complex field that is constantly changing. But at Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs, we combine decades of experience with cutting-edge legal strategy to assure the best outcome in your case.
Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs has represented clients from all facets of the entertainment industry, including film, music, literature, theater, publishing and television, in a wide range of intellectual property and entertainment litigation. Our attorneys have obtained positive results for clients in cases related to:
Trademark and copyright infringement
Breach of contract and fiduciary duty
Publicity, privacy and format rights
Idea submission
Royalty payments
Competitor lawsuits
Profit participation
Vertical integration claims
Interpretation of recording
Talent contracts
Having successfully litigated cases in state and federal courts, our lawyers have the experience necessary to defend your creative works.
When you entrust your intellectual property or entertainment dispute to Ivie McNeill Wyatt Purcell & Diggs, you can rest assured that it will be solved effectively. Our notable successes include:
Representing a Tony Award-winning Broadway play
Securing an $8 million verdict for a record company involved in a breach of contract claim against a European distributor
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